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All Scottsdale based law firms or practice groups are encouraged to contact Lance Davidson at LSD@CleverLegal.com and volunteer to staff at least one month during the year for this worthwhile and highly visible community outreach program. Paiute nights are the same night as our luncheon (second Tuesday of the month).
The SBA Legal Clinic at Paiute Neighborhood Center will begin anew post-Covid and we need volunteer attorneys for the monthly service on the second Tuesday of the month [the same day as the SBA luncheon] at 5.00pm-6.30 pm at Paiute Neighborhood Center located at 6535 E Osborn Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. In years past, we have had a slate of volunteer attorneys for the monthly rotation. The SBA Legal Clinic should be staffed with a minimum of three attorneys each month to deliver the needed service to indigent Scottsdale residents seeking legal assistance.
Volunteers do not have to know every area of law. Most issues deal with simple wills/trusts/probate, contract, landlord/tenant, or custody/divorce. We have some "cheat sheets" and reference materials to help you! More significantly, the nature of the issues confronted by the attendees is in many instances heart-rendering and you can help. Volunteer attorneys providing services through the Paiute Center are covered by the Arizona Bar Foundation’s professional liability insurance.